I have open -a Finder aliased to f, so I can just type f filename or f. You could always use open -a Finder filename, too. This works on macOS Sierra as well as previous versions of macOS. In Spotlight, hitting (Command Return) on a selected file reveals it in Finder instead of opening it. To open an unsigned app, you need to right-click or Control-click the app and select Open. While all the commands well discuss will work just fine in the built-in Terminal.app.
So, for example, if you renamed "file.txt" to just "textfile" then open textfile would still open it in the default text-file editing application, as long as file textfile still thought that "textfile" was actually a text file. The first stop in your foray into Mac OS X command line goodness is getting yourself a proper terminal.
I can't seem to find any documentation about how to do this on the command line, so I'm not even sure if it can be done. I would like to write a command line script to have Preview.app/ open each one, crop each one to the same size, and then save the new files. You can use the "file" command to reveal what the operating system thinks the file type is: file file.txt. eps files that each open very nicely in Preview.app/. By default, this will be /Applications/TextEdit.app however, it's possible for this setting to get overridden:įinally, any file that's of the "text" type will get opened by the application bound to the text type if you just say open file.txt. The -t option means "open the file with the default application for editing text files, as determined via LaunchServices". The -e option means "open the file argument with the TextEdit application": The command line can be a scary place when you first encounter it. Because of OSX’s unix heritage, much of the info here is also useful in other unix inspired systems, like the Linux command line.

Youll see a panel that asks you to install Xcode Command Line Tools. You can also enter the command xcode-select -install in the terminal to begin the installation process. However, it ONLY works if there's no other Edge processes running. This is a command line tutorial primarily conducted in in the OS X command line. Ive written elsewhere about How to Open Terminal on MacOS just click the Spotlight icon in the menu bar and type terminal. The -a option means "open the file argument with the named application": How to open Edge inprivate sessions via command line on macOS I'm trying to run a script on macOS that opens Edge in InPrivate. All you need is the open command and the path to your folder. Given this, opening a folder is a basic task that can keep you on the command line as long as possible. In contrast, a developer or sysadmin might spend most of their time using a Terminal app. Here are some possible answers, all using the 'open' command-line utility. The Mac Terminal isn’t something you’ll encounter often.